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Chantiers with activities this week, Chantiers without activities this week.

Inactive Chantiers (26)
Semaine du
6th Apr 20 au 12th Apr 20

Activities may be cancelled or added during the current week.

Activity responsable:

Activity responsable:

Activity responsable:



Activity responsable:

Activity responsable:

Activity responsable:

Chantier’s name legend

Chantier’s name_COM Chantier with commercial activities
Chantier’s name_NCOM Chantier with non-commercial activities
Chantier’s name_invmar chantiers d’inventaire et martelage
Chantier’s name_CHE chantiers de travaux d’implantation, de réfection ou d’amélioration de chemin situés à l’extérieur des chantiers commerciaux